Monday, 28 December 2009
Golf Equipment
Golf Clubs
Golf equipment first and foremost needs a golf club. Golf isn’t a game where equipments can be shared comfortably, so individual golf clubs are of utmost importance. There are four basic categories for golf clubs and they are woods, hybrids, irons, and putters.
Woods – these clubs are the longest, with shafts that measure 40-47 inches, having large heads with spherical shape. Woods are often referred as driver and are most ideal in hitting off the tee, or on situations requiring definitive carries or drives.
Irons – irons are the most versatile golf clubs, some players even make do on a golf game using only an iron. They are shorter than the woods, around 36-40 inches on the shaft. They offer clubbing with relative skill in contrast to the woods which requires a good amount of precision.
Wedges – these clubs are actually referred as irons though having a loft (angle which the clubface tilt) of more than 44 earned them a special category other than irons. Wedges are also customized to meet several factors. One such example is the sand wedge with specialized underside with a “bounce” feature.
Putters – putters are clubs used on the green. They have a very low loft and some has even shorter shafts that would complement precision and deft touch. These clubs are ideal for finishes on the green.
Golfers are allowed to carry 14 different kinds of golf clubs during play, and the typical set of 14 usually consists of 8 irons, 3 woods, 2 wedges, and a putter.
Golf Balls
Golf balls are 42.67mm standard diameter mostly of synthetic materials construction. One notable feature of golf balls are the dimples, an aerodynamic function that will affect several factors including trajectory, spin and feel. Some makes are generated to result a desired outcome, such as harder materials to result longer distance, or softer ones to allow more spin.
There are other golf equipments on the use but those mentioned above are the most required to get a game going. Other golf equipment includes Golf Bags, Golf Carts, Golf Cleats, Golf Tees, and Golf Ball markers.
Milos Pesic is an avid golfer and owner of the most comprehensive Golf Information Pages. Visit now to find out all you wanted to know about golf, golf equipment, tips, resorts and much more.
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Sunday, 27 December 2009
Thursday, 24 December 2009
Golf Equipment - There's More to Golfing Equipment Than Just Clubs and Golf Balls
In this brief article, I'll be covering some of these golf equipment items and hopefully by the time you're done reading this, you'll have learned a thing or two that will better prepare you for your next golf outing.
Golf markers are an important item that every golfer should have in his or her golf bag. Golf markers are used to mark ball placement on the green, and are a must have. According to official golf rules, the player furthest from the cup putts first. As a result, other players simply pick up their golf balls and leave a marker behind.
A golf score keeper is another important piece of golf equipment that shouldn't be overlooked. Each stroke of your game should be recorded with a score keeper. There are many different types of golf scorekeepers, including some that can be attached right to your golf bag for easy access.
Last but not least, it's important not to forget about your hat and golf shoes. A hat, cap, or visor will protect you from the sun and also help to improve vision. Golf shoes provide comfort on the course and safety from slippage.
Hopefully this short article has given you some golf equipment ideas that will come in handy the next time you make your way to the course.
Discover how to golf for free at today.
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Wednesday, 23 December 2009
Golf Training Equipment - Get the Right One and Improve Your Game
Knowing every trick in the golf game without having an idea on how to put them into display is a circus. Training requirements applies to both amateurs and professionals. No one in the golfing profession is left out when it comes to learning how to hold a golf club, how to make long and straight shots as well as how to improve your swings and alignments.
You cannot pick on the right golf equipment without knowing some simple facts. Golf equipment is readily available in the sports shops or in the internet. Ordering for the items can therefore be very easy and fast. However, you don't need to get all the items of play in your golf bag, since you cannot even have the opportunity to try them all. Worse still, even affording them will be a nightmare.
What you simply need to do is to try and get the right golf training equipment for your game. The 'right equipment' here, I mean the tool that will help you boost your performance easily, fast and at a low cost. If possible visit the shops or internet sites and engage in some discussion with the attendants or experts before you pick the right one.
Training sessions, to some, can be done without the assistance of a trainer, while on the other hand, especially if you are a beginner, you may need a trainer to help you stay focused and on the right path. Selecting on the right golf equipment, for example golf clubs, balls, or a tee is paramount for a well display on the pitch.
It is also a necessity to know how to pick on the right golf equipment that matches the golfing need at any time or period of play. For instance, if you must choose the right driver to use according to the distance needs. Do not go for a medium driver, when you should have gone for a standard one. A swing speed meter can help you in your training to know how to use the right driver. You must as well know the right equipment to use in correcting your strokes; swing tuner golf training equipment is preferred in this case.
Slicing the golf ball once is embarrassing. Slicing the golf ball swing after swing is humiliating. What you simply need to do is to try and get the right golf training equipment for your game. The 'right equipment' here, I mean the tool that will help you boost your performance easily, fast and at a low cost.
Find out how to improve your golf swing and cut your Handicap by 7-12 Strokes
and Lengthen your Drive in just 2 Weeks. Check out my Golf Tips blog:..
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Monday, 21 December 2009
Sunday, 20 December 2009
Saturday, 19 December 2009
The History of Golf and Golf Equipment
Golf Balls
Hitting pebbles was not the best way to play the game. The first actual golf balls that were created were made of thin leather bags that were stuffed with feathers that did not go very far.
A ball called the gutta-percha was invented in 1848 by Reverend Adam Paterson. It was made from the sap of the Gutta tree, and it could be hit for almost 225 yards, very similar to today's golf balls.
Around 1898, a man named Coburn Haskell introduced the first one-piece rubber cored ball. These balls reached distances approaching 430 yards. In 1905 a golf ball manufacturer named William Taylor was the first to add dimples.
Golf Clubs
Golf clubs used to be wooden shafts and not very technological. Today's clubs are made from steel or graphite and are much more durable and lighter that the old wooded clubs. Golf clubs evolved with the evolution of golf balls. Balls had to be made tougher to withstand the harder hits from newer clubs.
Carrying & Caddies
In the 1880s, golf bags were introduced. Then of course there were caddies that were paid to carry these bags around the course. In 1962 the powered golf car was invented by Merlin L. Halvorson.
Golf Tees
The word "tee" in golf originated as the name for the area where the golfer played. In 1889 the first portable golf tee was patented by Scottish golfers William Bloxsom and Arthur Douglas. This tee was made of rubber and had three vertical rubber prongs that held the ball in place. It laid on the ground and did not stick in to the ground like modern golf tees.
The Rules
In 1774, the first standardized rules of golf were written and used in the first golf championship, which Doctor John Rattray won on April 2nd in Edinburgh, Scotland. This rule book has been the basis of the game of golf as we know it for over 200 years. Of course some rules have been modified for the modern game, but the principles have pretty much stayed the same.
I hope this has gotten you to appreciate the great history of the game of golf.
Dan enjoys writing articles that help people find the information they need to make informed choices. Visit his latest website Princess Cut Diamond Rings and find the best deals on Cubic Zirconia Wedding Sets
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Thursday, 17 December 2009
Wednesday, 16 December 2009
Tuesday, 15 December 2009
Shopping Tips For Your First Set of Golf Equipment
Word of mouth
Word of mouth is one of the best means to find out the quality of any product on the market. Ask for opinion and recommendations about the kinds of golf equipment you want to buy, from your family, friends, next door neighbors or business partners who have interest in golf. Establishing a good rapport with sports shop vendors also opens up a great avenue for you to seek advice from them. These are very resourceful and practical ways to gather ideas.
What do you want to achieve in playing golf?
Before you go for any equipment, you should put into consideration your goal for the game. This will make it easier for you to narrow down on the specs of golf equipment you should get. For example, it is not necessary to spend too much time and money in selecting and buying a brand new set of golf clubs, if your goal is to play golf once in a while with your brother in law. If you shop for equipments that fits your specific preferences, you are bound to safe a lot of money and makes your shopping easier.
Determine the amount of passion you have for the game
You may have a very wonderful goal for the game but your passion may not be strong enough to carry you to the end of your desired goal. When your interest and dedication to the game begins to dwindle then all your expensive golf equipments and your time spent in selecting them becomes a waste. Therefore, you must be clear on the amount of effort you are will to put in playing golf, how much you are willing to practice and for how long, whether you are taking lessons in golfing or not. Finding clear answers to all these will determine the type of equipment to buy and how much to spend on them. If you think you can sustain your passion for the game ceaselessly, then it will be a good idea to go for equipments that costs a bit higher than the regular ones.
New or used golf equipment
The main advantage of used golf equipment over new ones is that they are cheaper. So in cases where you are operating within a very limited budget then going for used golf equipment may be the best way out. Other than that go for new ones, especially if you want to take up golf very seriously.
Find out the golf shafts options available
If you are a beginner to golfing, one of the most important things to educate yourself on is golf shafts. You have to be familiar with the composition of the golf shaft, it could be either steel or graphite. You should also be aware of the flex of the shaft and how much the shaft bends when swung.
The advantage of graphite over steel is that graphite is lighter therefore, helps create a quicker swing speed. On the other hand, steel is more durable and cheaper compared to graphite. Generally, women and senior golfers prefer graphite because they are easier on the swing and a lot softer to flex. However, younger and a lot stronger men always go for the regular and stiff shafts.
Golf clubs in general always has a great impact on your level of play, therefore whether you are beginner or a professional golfer, you should know a lot about golf clubs, so you can choose the best for your game.
Apart from the factors listed above, there may be other factors that you may have to consider when choosing your golf equipment. Always keep in mind that having the correct golf equipment is a critical part of the game of golf.
For more helpful information on golf equipment or anything related to golf, you can visit, a website dedicated to help golfers and golf fans enjoy the game to the fullest.
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Monday, 14 December 2009
Sunday, 13 December 2009
Golf Tips - Golf Equipment
Golf Tips - Golf Equipment
Author: Nicholas TanBlaming your moves, shots and swings for your golf mishits and mishaps? Well, no matter how much time and effort you have been spending over practicing your moves to perfect your game, you still won't achieve your goal if you use unsuitable or defective types of golf equipment, will you?
Now is high time for you to consider the following golf tips that involve checking on your equipment's quality.
If you plan to choose used golfclubs as beginner's tools, scrutinizing before purchasing is a must. The clubheads, the shafts, and the grips are golfclub parts that should pass inspection first before landing a decent spot in your golf equipment cabinet. Another excellent golf tip that will get you through the game is making sure that the set of used golfclubs you're eyeing have set consistency. It will also help a lot if you check first the price of new clubs vs. used.
A golf tip for a golfer that plans to regrip his clubs: Be cautious. This is because the grips are the only contact points one can access to affect the shot. Before carrying out the regripping, know the core grip of the club and your hands grip size. To determine your core size grip, measure the diameter of the butt of the shaft you're going to re-grip. The shaft's diameter should match the grip's core diameter. In determining your hands grip, the available size grips are regular, mid-size, oversize and jumbo. Use only the best re-gripping materials that will provide optimum performance for your golf clubs.
Another golf tip or advice is that using ill-fitted clubs will be an obstacle to your golf playing success. A golfer must consider his or her body type in choosing the best-fitting equipment to support and deliver his backswings efficiently. Too steep angles in carrying out backswings may be avoided if one selects the perfect fitting equipment available.
Custom golfclub fitting makes a better option than just buying new golf clubs. Getting custom fitting golfclubs is a golf tip that translates to a very worthy investment. The uniqueness of each person is attributed to the need of this way of buying new golf clubs. A custom fitting produces golfclubs that specifically suit the height, strength, swing characteristics and clubhead speed of the golfer.
The type of club shaft also helps in predicting whether you'll do good in a game or you won't. There's a choice between a steel club shaft and a graphite-made club shaft. This golf tip aims to make you realize which type of golfclub shaft will benefit your game. Observations tell that the steel club shafts are more preferred by professional golfers while graphite shafts become more popular with women, senior players and beginners. Steel shafts are less expensive than graphite shafts though.
One more golf tip that could help you is that the golf clubs that must be the main content of your bag must suit your skill level. Since various skill levels need various golf clubs, it won't be wise to just use or bring a golf club that is just lying around. And, don't ever forget about the maximum golfclub load your bag is allowed to hold. You can only bring 14 golf clubs in your bag. No more. No less. Aside from your skill level contemplation, your mastery of a certain golfclub and your being comfortable with using it must also be put into consideration in deciding which golfclub to hit.
A good combination of the right moves and good choice of equipment will better arm you to become the best golfer you could ever be.
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Article Source: - Golf Tips - Golf Equipment
Thursday, 10 December 2009
Custom Golf Clubs - Can They Really Help Improve Your Game?
As long as you are willing to spend some extra cash, there are definitely some advantages in having your clubs customized. It's a known fact that all people are built differently, and standard clubs cannot address all their unique needs. Standard equipment and gear is very common in other types of sports as well. That's why more and more players are choosing to have customized equipment because they know that their one-of-a-kind body type needs more than standard ones. The same thing hold true for the game of golf. That's the reason why custom golf clubs are fast gaining popularity among the serious golfers, because even beginner golfers notice a marked improvement in their game after they chose to customize.
There are certain factors such as your height that can make a huge difference on the degree of accuracy and power with which you can hit the ball and take it down the course. You may find these factors a lot different as opposed to the standard measurements used when you purchase regular clubs at your local golf store. When you get your clubs customized, you will be more confident in your game because you know that the clubs are tailor fit especially for you.
The people who will assist you during the customization will gather all sorts of information to know exactly how they need to build and design your clubs. This information will affect how they will build your clubs, even their final design.
It will take a little time before you will get used to your custom golf clubs. Try it out for a few rounds the moment you get it so that you will get a feel for it, and you can handle it more with ease. Your golf buddies will surely observe an improvement in your game.
Steven J Morrison loves golf and shares that love with many around him. For more information about custom golf clubs,free golf instruction, and how to find affordable custom golf clubs online, please visit me at my website Click here.
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Wednesday, 9 December 2009
Golf Instruction Videos
The following are some of the best golf instruction videos available today in your nearest store or at the click of your mouse if you are buying fro the internet. The Jack Nicklaus: 'Golf My Way' are series of tapes that are based on the Golden Bears famous instructional book going for the same title and was nominated by the 'golf magazine 'as the top 100 instructional golfing tapes and videos in the world.
The users are recommending one to atlas have the 'hitting the shot 'or the 'playing the game' if you can not get the full volume of the 'Golf My Way'. The other top golfing and instructional golf video is the 'Phil Ritson Video Encyclopedia of Golf' it is understood that the author is a co-founder Of Ritson sole Golf Schools which is one of the top most golf schools in the US. The video series are in a total of11 volume covering of all the tit bits of golf and the game. This is also one of the few golf instruction videos that have been given a ten star by the 'golf magazine' for its input to the game of golf.
The other golf instruction videos are the 'the 8-step swing by Jim Mclean' and 'Simple secrets for Great Golf by David Leadbetter' which are 80 minute videos but breaks down all swing steps to just eight steps. You will be able to able to be stopping each time you watch this to check if you are on the right track with your swing. The others are 'How to play Golf' by Bobby Jones, they are the first golf tapes to be shown in cinemas and were created in 1930s, although golf has improved these tapes will give you necessary steps in the golfing spectra at ant time so you wont go wrong by purchasing the Bobby Jones work
Slicing the golf ball once is embarrassing. Slicing the golf ball swing after swing is humiliating. One of the fastest way to improve your golf game is to search for some quality golf instruction videos.
Do you have these 3 problems with your golf swing:
1) inconsistency;
2) slice;
3) distance?
Find out how to improve your golf swing and cut your Handicap by 7-12 Strokes and Lengthen your Drive in just 2 Weeks. Check out my blog:
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Tuesday, 8 December 2009
Golf Clubs, Golf Equipment – the Key to a Great Golf Game
Golf Clubs, Golf Equipment – the Key to a Great Golf Game
Author: Clint JhonsonGolf is a very special sport that requires skills, but also the golf equipment that best suits you. Golf is one of the few sports than combines the possibility of admiring the wonders of Mother Nature with having to judge just the right trajectory that you should use to make the ball go exactly where you want it to go. Golf is a sport that does require some skills and a lot of focus because the caddy will probably be helpful, but you still have to judge almost everything that is going on around you. Just imagine all the variables that you have to take into consideration to make the ball go the right way.
A basic set of golf clubs can contain a pretty large number of golf clubs, so you have to make a wise decision. Of course, if you consider miniature golf, it is much more interesting; you can try it out and see how it works out for you. Like any other sports, golf exists in numerous forms. There are also golf trips in every major country and even in some small ones. In order to play golf, you only need some other golf equipment just as important as the clubs. But anyway, the basic golf set does not contain numerous items.
Modern golf clubs are made out of light-weight composite materials and even some of the golf equipment is made out of light-weight materials to make the caddy’s life easier and to improve the game playing technique. Because golf is not such a common sport in some countries, people think it is a dull sport, made only for the rich ones. But the golf fan base is growing and becoming larger and larger and it has reached a record number over the years.
Every form of golf is pleasing and fun to play, but the one with the “oldest” tradition and fans is the classic golf, played on a large area that presents all kind of geographic obstacles, from trees and puddles to mountains and bushes. All these add to the sport’s most important feature, the fun and excitement. Like any other sport, golf is made to relax people and even earn them some money, considering the fact that some professionals make a living from playing golf.
Also, I would like to add the fact that all the golf equipment, including the golf clubs, need some care and protection from rust, rot or even mould. But all this protection can be offered by one of the rooms in your house or even your garage. No one has to think that the equipment needs daily polishing or washing. A quick wash - if needed - or just wiping the equipment with an old piece of clothing should do the trick.
Golf can also be a way to impress your friends and family when you have special golf trips. Anyone in your family can play golf, from your dad, your kid, to your wife, so it can be considered a family sport from some points of view. Any golf player will tell you that this sport is a way to clear your mind and escape from the stress of daily life. That is why some major companies offer golf trips to their employees.
We consider our website to be a great resource for all of you passionate about golf clubs. For any kind of golf equipment come to us and discover interesting info. The latest Callaway golf clubs, cloned clubs or uniquely customized golf equipment await you; just go ahead and see them online!
Article Source: - Golf Clubs, Golf Equipment – the Key to a Great Golf Game
Monday, 7 December 2009
Golf Equipment | Golf Discount | Golf Clubs | Golf Drivers | Cobra Golf | Golf Irons | Golf Shoes | Golf Putter | Golf Accessories
Golf Equipment | Golf Discount | Golf Clubs | Golf Drivers | Cobra Golf | Golf Irons | Golf Shoes | Golf Putter | Golf Accessories
Author: GerryMany online stores offer golf equipments online. But you have to take immense care in choosing the online store to purchase golf equipments. Those who are more about the look of their golf equipments than the ability of their golf equipment may find that they want to personalize as much as possible. They will want a personalized golf bag, a personalized towel, personalized grips and personalized balls. The Internet is an incredibly resource for everything revolving around personalization. By looking toward the Internet, you can find nearly every piece of equipment; nearly every piece of equipment can be personalized. Generally, personalization through an Internet website does not cost as much as it would if you had it done in person, as some websites like to add this as a low cost perk of using their web site. Generally, prices online are lower than the prices you would find in stores. Some simply cut out the middle man, while others manage to sell the products for less. This is one of the major benefits of shopping online for golf equipment, as the Internet offers you low prices. If you are worried about saving money, or spending less, the Internet is for you; many websites offer online coupons that take money off through amounts of percentages. These savings are only available online, which makes the venue of purchase that much more important.
Now day golf is becoming game of even common man. In past only rich people fond of playing golf but now its popularity increasing in average people. Because now playing golf become not that much costly. Golf is quite a popular sport in many countries and golf players seem to enjoy this sport very much and to do their best to excel when practicing it. Nonetheless, a good golf player needs the best equipment, since it is known that this is the sport where the equipment you use can make a difference. If you like playing golf and being better than your opponents, the suggestion for you that making sure that you have adequate equipment. Selecting better golf equipments are matter of expertise. You can not choose golf equipments vaguely, because it can affect your game. Whether you have to take an advice from veterans or professional golf player. This helps you in selecting better golf equipments which best fits you for better golfing. Golf equipments also depend on for which purpose you want to play golf, for pleasure or you wish to play golf professionally. Golf equipments may be differing to your purpose of playing golf. So you have to take great care in choosing right golf equipments for you.
If you want to purchase improved golf equipments online then visit .
About the Author:Author is basically professional writer with having good knowledge of wide-ranging market and Have 4+years experience in his fields. And also have knowledge of web graphic, designer, animator and as well writing blogs/content directed to each and every field related IT, computer and Latest Trend in marketplace.
Article Source: - Golf Equipment | Golf Discount | Golf Clubs | Golf Drivers | Cobra Golf | Golf Irons | Golf Shoes | Golf Putter | Golf Accessories
Sunday, 6 December 2009
Golf Balls
According to the prescribed set of rules, a golf ball weighs about 46 gms, and has a diameter of about 43 mm. There are dozens of popular golf ball manufacturers in the United States and all around the world, and different competitions and clubs subscribe to different manufacturers.
For you to choose your golf balls, there are a few generic things such as your swing speed, and your purpose of playing that should be considered. For instance, if you are a beginner, or an amateur player not too serious about your game, you will most probably benefit from choosing recreational golf balls. Since they are made with two layers, they suit the players whose swing is slower - like less than 80 miles per hour. However, if you are a pro or play on a serious circuit, you need to pick the advanced balls - made of three or more layers, which require a much greater swing speed.
Golf is one of those games that stays with you till you grow really old. Unlike sports like Football and Tennis that simmer down with age, Golf time increases as you grow old, and hence it is worth it to get golf training during the initial phase of your playing the sport.
There are several international players who have not had professional golf training, and that is fine too, but few things that you would love to get trained about would be the swing, the putt, and the selection of equipment. As time goes on, every player will develop his own technique in playing the game, and golf is one of those games which allow a wide range of techniques to be implemented. You can't say that this is right and that is wrong, as there have been players with extremely unconventional techniques going on to win the best international titles over the years.
If you are starting late into the golfing fraternity, however, you would do well to get golf training of some sort. That way, you can cover up some of the lost years (in which you did not play the game), and can catch up with your contemporaries. That is an important thing to do, as golf forges bonds that last a long time, and you don't want to be left behind when your friends are all moving up in their quality of the game.
There are several golf training courses on offered - ranging from on-course training by real pros, to online courses that take you through the basics and show you videos. Take your pick, and you will see a lot of difference in your game.
One little piece of advice would be to stay away from trick balls in the learning phase of the sport. That would help you do well later as you play more. Take care while you buy the balls, so that your game develops faster.
sharonsky is entrepreneur expert of digital imaging and processing founder of Studio Sharon, a special imagine boutique providing graphic design services and business development within the high technology industries and the art world. Sharon master the world's most advanced digital image processing and editing tools.
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Golfing Lessons - Secrets to a Winning Golf Game
Understanding what those habits are and how to create them is something that many golfers consistently strive for. There are some very basic secrets to a winning golf game, and they are secrets anyone can use.
Know your equipment. It is impossible to be successful on the course if you have no idea what your clubs can do. Is your 3-iron a 200 yard club, or a 210 yard club? By not knowing the answer, you may find out that 10 yards could mean the difference between a shot on the green and a ball in the water.
Spend time on the range with all of your clubs, and pay attention to how you hit them. The best golfers make notes on how they hit their clubs, and they refer to those notes when needed.
A good golf game is all about tempo, and tempo is something that can be maintained or created when needed. When you are playing a public course, you do not always have the luxury of establishing a consistent tempo for an entire round.
Other players can slow you down, and some players may be pushing you to go faster. Do your best to establish a tempo that you can follow for the entire round, or you can take a deep breath at each tee box and attempt to establish a tempo on each hole.
Humble yourself a little and be realistic with your own abilities. It would be nice to drive that 300 yard par 4 green, but if you cannot hit the ball that far then make other plans to score on that hole. Golf course management is all about understanding your own abilities, and then applying those abilities to the challenges that the course provides.
Dear golfing friend, if you are asking the question, "how can I play better golf more consistently?", I would urge you to consider learning as much about "your game" as possible. The one key ingredient I have left out, that is vital to your success on the golf course I will share with you on my blog. Check out these free Golf Instructions.
Get your free e-book, "5 Secrets To Maximum Distance"
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Saturday, 5 December 2009
Leather Golf Bags - How to Care For Them
First you need to understand that many leather bags are made out of "naked" leather. "Naked" leather is a dyed leather that has nothing on it to alter the natural state of the leather. As a result, it is usually soft and delicate.
If your bag is made from "naked" leather it is best that you put nothing on it in terms of topical solutions. If you do use anything stick to saddle soap or mink oil to keep the leather moist and soft. However, you should know that applying even these products to your leather bag could create dark areas. Since "naked" leather has no finish it readily absorbs anything applied to it.
Make certain that you test a small area of your bag before applying any significant quantity of mink oil or saddle soap. If you are happy with the results then you can expand to a larger area but work slowly and cautiously.
At this point you may be wondering what do you do to keep your golf bag looking new. First, keep it clean. You should dust you bag with a dry soft cloth made out of cotton or microfibers. Second, store your leather bag in a cool place which is also good advice for the clubs that are inside your bag! Don't leave a leather bag in the trunk of your car for weeks at a time. Finally, just let the natural oils of the leather bag do their job of keeping the bag moist and supple.
Leather golf bags are a great way to carry your clubs. When properly cared for a leather golf bag should give you a lifetime of golfing pleasure. In addition, leather golf bags provide luxury, class and style.
When considering leather golf bags go to a reputable leather golf bag retailer. They know about leather and how to care for it. They can also offer you a good variety and selection of leather golf bags.
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5 Golf Equipment Folk Tales
Here are 5 of the most common golfing equipment myths that I get asked about and a quick explanation on the truth behind the myth.
1 - Golf Ball Bounce Test
You will see golfers around the world testing how high a golf ball will bounce to determine what type of golf ball to buy or to use for their round. Gravity's pull on a golf ball while being bounced on a hard surface cannot be compared to being hit by a clubhead traveling at high speed that can produce anywhere up to 1000kg or more of compression. The amount of compression that gravity produces on a golf ball will not be nearly enough to take into consideration ball construction attributes, such as, two-piece versus three-piece, wound versus solid cores, number of layers and materials.
Golf Ball Bounce Test = Not True!
The only way to find the best ball for your game is to experiment, ask your local pro for some advice or find a launch monitor and experiment with a variety of golf balls until you discover the correct one for your swing and club.
2 - Putters Sweet Spot Is The Aiming Line
Close to being true, but not 100% of the time. Putters like all golf clubs are produced in mass numbers and therefore there is going to be small differences. The common differences between putters is the aiming lines on top of your putter not aligning with the putters sweet spot.Putters
Sweet Spot Is The Aiming Line = Not True!
To find your putters sweet spot, simply hold the top of your putter grip in two fingers and tap the putters face with a sharp object like a pencil. The putter face will twist when you are not tapping the sweet spot and swing straight backwards and forwards when you have struck the sweet spot!
3 - Only Grooves Create Backspin
Backspin is created by the ball being compressed and embedded on the clubface. The amount of backspin will vary depending on many factors, such as angle of clubface angle/loft, the more clubface angle the greater backspin that is created.
Only Grooves Create Backspin = Not True!
So what is the roll of groves on a golf club? To remove debris from between the golf ball and the clubface at impact so the ball can receive maximum compression and stay embedded on the clubface
4 - Topspin Equals Ball Roll
If we hit a ball with topspin it would go straight into the ground! To get a golf ball airborne and to stay in the air it needs to be hit with backspin. To improve length from the tee and increase roll you need to minimise backspin on an optimal launch angle, launch monitors are being used to successfully measure and pinpoint the optimal angle and spin rates.
Topspin Equals Ball Roll = Not True!
5 - 5 & 7 Woods Are For Hackers
5 & 7 woods or other utility woods are not just for hackers, you could actually label golfers that use these woods/clubs as smarter golfers. Most golfers cannot play long irons very well when in perfect conditions, let alone hold a green or play them from some light or even deep rough. In fact most golfers find that their long irons, such as a 3 and 4 iron go the same distance, this is because they cannot create enough backspin to keep the ball in the air. If they had a 5 wood, 7 wood or other utility club they would find that with their higher ball flight and softer landing would definitely make these shots easier and as they create more backspin with slower swing speeds you will be able to achieve different distances with them.
5 & 7 Woods Are For Hackers = Not True!
Hope I have answered some golfing myths for you and you can enjoy your next round of golf knowing that you are a wiser golfer!. Hope to see you on a Gold Coast golf course soon.
Article by Bradley Davis
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Friday, 4 December 2009
Golf - Is it Time to Take Lessons?
It is in these circumstances, as well as for complete newcomers to the game that taking the odd lesson from a professional golf instructor can be useful. Notice as well that I have specified a professional golf instructor? This is because, even though some of your friends may be good at the game, they may not necessarily be good teachers and there is the added possibility that they could pass their bad habits on to you. A professional golf instructor is able to take an objective view of your style and approach to the game and give you valuable advice on how you can improve YOUR technique, rather than try to get you to play the same way they do. Everyone is unique and one of the most important things for a golfer is to be comfortable with their style and technique. If you are not comfortable, you will not be accurate with your shots and so therefore you will not play well.
The easiest way to go about getting a lesson is by approaching your local golf club. If you are not already a member of a club, it is worth considering joining as you may find you get access to the resident professional for a discounted fee and in some cases you may even be able to make use of their services for free.
There are many things that a pro golf instructor will be able to help you with and that includes your choice of equipment too. If you are thinking that you would benefit from investing in a new driver or a complete new set of clubs, you could do worse than asking your club professional for advice. He will be able to analyse your swing and your style in order to give you good advice on the sort of equipment that would be best suited to you. He will even be able to advise you on what types of golf ball to play. Believe me the type of ball you play with could be almost as important as the driver you choose.
The thing is, you don't necessarily need to get yourself a complete course of lessons with an instructor, unless of course you are completely new to the game. The odd one or two lessons that concentrate on specific aspects of your game could be equally beneficial and will hopefully lead to you going back to thinking that golf is an enjoyable way to pass an afternoon.
Wayne Armstrong is the owner of, a Golf resource website which includes lots of information on improving your game and links to some of the best golf equipment and clothing at some of the best prices you will find.
If you liked this article then why not sign up to our mailing list and receive GBGolf tips direct to your inbox every week.
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2009 Golf Digest Hot List Winners Review
Whether you're a golf equipment fanatic or just a casual observer of the latest offerings and trends in golf clubs and accessories, the 2009 Golf Digest Hot List is a golf equipment smorgasbord. From drivers, fairway woods and hybrids, to irons, wedges and putters-oh, and bags and balls, too-the equipment gurus at Golf Digest break it down in their popular annual equipment ranking.
The Process
If you're wondering how golf equipment experts rate, for example, Callaway drivers or TaylorMade irons, think Excel spreadsheets with thousands of data points, hundreds of pages of technical data from golf equipment manufacturers, scientists, a four-part judging criteria, and a two-week visit to a San Jose, California, resort for field testing.
The process is, in a word, exhaustive. Golf Digest evaluated the "universe" of golf clubs-471 entries, to be exact-and judged them across four weighted criteria: 1) performance (40%), 2) innovation (30%), 3) look/sound/feel (20%), and 4) demand (10%).
After all the facts and data were collected, the judges engaged in nine days of meetings that included 800 debates to arrive at the 116-club Hot List. Along the way, they ate a lot of take-out food.
Following is a peek at this year's list.
Golf Digest breaks down the golf drivers category into two parts: drivers over $350 and drivers under $350. Then it splits the two categories into gold and silver winners.
Three of the gold winners in the over $350 category are the Callaway FT-9, PING Rapture V2 and the TaylorMade r7 Limited.
No one is better than Callaway at using multiple materials, said the judges about the FT-9. Players like the look, balance and carry of the PING Rapture V2, which has a similar look to the PING G10. The TaylorMade r7 Limited has movable weights and features an Ozik shaft. Some said it produces the best feel of any club on the market.
Gold winners in the under $350 category included Adams Speedline, Callaway Big Bertha Diablo, PING G10 and TaylorMade Burner.
Irons were broken into three categories that correspond with playing ability and interests: game improvement, super game improvement and players irons.
Gold winners in the game-improvement category included Callaway X-22, PING G10 and TaylorMade Burner. One player said he could hit the Callaway X-22 irons blindfolded. Sign me up, he said. Callaway X-22 led in the Demand category, which is an assessment of reputation, interest, intrigue and excitement. The PING G10 is a long-time category leader, and the TaylorMade Burner irons really shined, leading in three of the four judging categories: performance, innovation and look/sound/feel.
TaylorMade also had a gold winner in the super game improvement category: the Burner Plus, which features an oversized clubhead and hefty offset to help get the golf ball in the air.
In the players irons category, Titleist AP2 rose to the top, along with TaylorMade Tour Preferred, Callaway X-22 Tour, Callaway X-Forged and PING S57 models, four among the total of six gold winners.
Arguably, there's no golf club more important than the putter. Golf Digest took a close look at two main categories: blade putters and mallet putters.
Gold winners in the blade putter category over $200 included the Odyssey Black Series I #6, TaylorMade Daytona TP-KIA MA and Titleist Cameron Studio Select, which led in three of four criteria: performance, look/sound/feel and demand.
In the blade putter category under $200, top picks were the Odyssey White Hot Tour 1, two PING Anser models and the TaylorMade Daytona.
Gold winners in the mallet putter category included the Odyssey Black Series I 2-Ball, PING iWi Craz-E and TaylorMade Itsy Bitsy Spider. And leading mid-mallet putters were Odyssey, Titleist Cameron and MacGregor models.
Hot List judges took a look at lightweight carry bags and "do it all" cart bags, selecting their 21 favorites. Leading the list of gold and silver winners were models from Callaway, PING, TaylorMade, Titleist, Bag Boy, Nike, Ogio, Sun Mountain, Wilson and Izzo.
What Tour Pros Play
What do the top tour professionals play? Following is just a sampling.
Callaway: Phil Mickelson, Ernie Els, Annika Sorenstam
TaylorMade: Kenny Perry, Sergio Garcia, Paula Creamer
PING: Angel Cabrera, Lorena Ochoa, Hunter Mahan
Titleist: Steve Stricker, Zach Johnson, Adam Scott
David is the owner of The World of Golf, a well-established and trusted golf clubs retailer. In business since 1968 and as an authorized dealer on the Internet since 1995, The World of Golf is your one-stop shop for great deals on new golf equipment from leading brands including Callaway Golf, Taylor Made, Ping, Titleist, Nike, Odyssey, and FootJoy.
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Thursday, 3 December 2009
Golf Swing Software - Golf Training Equipment and Modern Technology
For many years golf teachers relied on their own natural eye but with the coming together of high speed photography and the use of computer software the actual movement involved in the swing is easy to analyse.
The huge benefit of this is to be able to stop the swing at any point and study the movement and positions of the golfer and the club at any point in the swing and this leads to instant feedback and the opportunity to address problems quickly.
Leading golf teachers such as Rick Smith and David Leadbetter utilise the technology to it's fullest in their teaching and it can be very instructive to see your swing superimposed on the swing of a top golf professional for analysis purposes.
One of the difficulties when you are learning to swing a golf club correctly is that what you feel you are doing is sometimes completely different to what you are actually doing. This is where the golf swing software is so useful because to be talked through your swing with a professional pointing out your problems on the computer screen can save you an awful lot of time beating balls.
For the amateur golfer it is very helpful to be able to analyse his own swing together with his teacher's instruction in the comfort of his own home at his computer.
To learn more about golf swing software, golf video and golf training equipment stop by my blog now!
Download your FREE, no obligation golf book "The Ultimate Guide to Golf" now at
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Golf Training Equipment - What is the Best Golf Swing Trainer?
The most basic forms of golf training equipment include heavily weighted clubs which are designed to build up the key golfing muscles through repetition of the swing with the weighted club.
Vijay Singh is a firm believer in the weighted club as a golf swing trainer and has even lent his name to his own weighted club now to help amateur golfers.
Another simple method of building up the golfing muscles and particularly the forearms and wrists is the use of an impact bag. Years ago this involved the use of used tyres and practicing hitting the club into the tyre to build up the strength in the muscles. This has led to unnecessary injury and a modern version is an impact bag with more give.
The use of DVD, video and now golf swing analysis software has married the benefits of computers and modern technology and is a huge asset to any golf teacher in allowing a frame by frame analysis of the student's swing.
Then there are various devices to help you train your swing to swing on the correct swing plane and one of the most popular is a metal, tubular device which has a club rigidly fixed in place. When you practice with this device you can only move the club on the correct plane.
Stop by my blog to see the full range of golf training equipment to help you become the player you can be.
To learn more about a golf training equipment, golf video and other golf training equipment stop by my blog now!
All the latest gadgets, devices and golf training aids including golf swing analysis software, golf training videos and dvds at
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Wednesday, 2 December 2009
Golf in Hawaii
When it comes to beauty and excitement there are few things that can match the thrill of playing a round of golf on one of Hawaii's finest golf courses. Each of the layouts is different and will provide you with a uniquely memorable experience. The mild climate, sunny days and cooling ocean breezes help make your golf experience in Hawaii an unforgettable trip to Paradise.
Overhead you have the cloudless blue sky and as you look in every other direction you are treated to spectacular vistas that include the turquoise waters of the Pacific, towering volcanoes and lush rainforests. No matter where you choose to play your 18 holes you are certain to discover special features that catch your attention and interest. The sport of golfing is elevated to new heights in Hawaii and these dazzling adventures are waiting for you now on the island of your choice.
You can plan a golfing vacation in Hawaii and be assured of a new course and challenge every day. Each course creates a unique experience that is certain to become one of your fondest "getaway" memories. A little investigation of Hawaii's golf courses will allow you to tailor your golf dates and locations to suit your taste and playing style. There are courses for everyone from novice to pro, and you can even sign up for lessons if you need to brush up on your technique. It can be rather tiresome to ship sports equipment to Hawaii, but you can just leave your clubs at home and rent everything that you need at the pro shops.
The highest rated golf course on the island of Oahu is the Makaha West, which is part of the Makaha Resort and Golf Club. This site was first opened 40 years ago and today it is still recognized as one of the top golf experiences in Hawaii. The challenges of the course are second only to the breathtaking scenery and views. Even "Golf Digest" has given the Makaha West a respectful nod by listed them among their "Places to Play" in 2002.
For a chance to play at the links that have been host to the PGA Grand Slam events you need to head to the island of Kauai. This is the home of the legendary Poipu Bay golf course and is one of Robert Trent Jones finest designs. The ocean winds are refreshing but they also contribute to making this location one that will test your skills to their utmost level. The USGA considers this hillside location to be one of the most environmentally sensitive courses in the world. With a previous accolade from "Golf Digest" for being one of the Best Public Courses in the Aloha State Poipu Bay all available playing times are often booked days in advance.
The Wailea Golf Resort on the island of Maui is another favorite Hawaiian destination for golfers. There are ocean views that can be enjoyed every time you approach the tee. Families appreciate the friendly atmosphere and relaxing surroundings of this world class resort. Private lessons, scratch tournaments, rental equipment and a top rated golf school make this a perfect place for golfing enthusiasts. But even the non-golfers in your group will have plenty of activities that are guaranteed to keep them busy and happy. Among the amenities are 5 beaches, world class spas, designer boutiques and on site restaurants for all guests at the Wailea to enjoy.
Selvi is a busy mom of two small daughters who is also the editor of the independent Family travel guide. More information about Hawaii Family Vacation ideas can be found at - Copyright: you may freely republish this article, provided the text, author credit, the active links and this copyright notice remain intact."
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Golf Driving Tips - How to Drive a Golf Ball
Avoid getting your right hand too involved in your swing. When your right hand plays too much of a part in your swing, you may end up casting the club which can negatively affect both your distance and accuracy.
Many golfers tend to grip the club quite tightly when trying to add distance, though this tends to do the opposite and may ruin your shot. Loosen your grip with each consecutive swing until you notice a smoother hit with added distance.
Ensure that you have the correct equipment for your specific swing type. For swings that reach in excess of 120mph, you may want to get hold of a stiff or super stiff shaft.
An essential driving tip in golf is to not stand too far away from the ball. Newer players prefer to use the baseball grip which tends to make them stand further away from the ball than necessary. I would recommend using the interlocking grip for a better swing, though it does come down to personal preference. Grip the club at the point that your arms would normally hang to. You will notice that the grip is very close to your body, this will cause a steeper swing path which is the ideal way to hit the ball.
Take the effort out of golf and just enjoy the game. When you know all the little secrets, you will be amazed at how well you will be able to play. For more detailed golfing tips, check out this article: Golf Driving Tips and Proper Stance.
If your having any trouble with your game, feel free to check out How to Drive A Golf Ball for the fastest and easiest guide.
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Tuesday, 1 December 2009
What is Disc Golf?
First of all, it is called disc golf, not Frisbee golf. Frisbee is a registered name belonging to the Wham-O corporation, from what I've been told. Frisbees are the typical toys you're probably more accustomed to seeing at the beach, at the park or for playing with your dog. They are generally easy to throw, easy to catch, and fun to play around with.
A disc golf disc, on the other hand, is not as large, not so soft, and is not something you want to catch. If you got hit with one, you might get hurt, so be careful.
Now that you know what we throw, let's talk about the activity itself. Disc golf is similar to normal golf. Individuals work to get from a tee box to a target. Only instead of using balls and clubs, like in "ball golf," disc golfers throw a variety of discs. Also, instead of having a hole in the ground with a flag pin, disc golfers aim at a specially created basket. These targets consist of a pole that supports a set of chains that work to catch the flying disc and a basket underneath. The goal is to hit the chains with your disc and have it remain suspended in the chains or in the basket.
In ball golf, the golfers use a variety of clubs to approach the hole and put the ball in. Likewise, disc golfers use a variety of discs to approach the target. There are are three general classes of discs: drivers, mid-range and putters. Pros can throw a driver over 500 feet, but a recreational player feels pretty good with anything over 300 feet.
In addition to the three classes of discs, there are a variety of disc designs that affect how the disc travels in the air. Discs can be overstable, stable, or understable. For a right handed backhand throw an overstable discs will curve to the left throughout the flight. A stable disc will fly mostly straight and then fade left as it slows down. An understable disc will curve to the right through most of the flight, but fade a bit left as is slows. A golfer can use these discs to navigate difficult holes.
One of the best things about disc golf is that, once you have equipment, it is usually free to play. Disc golf courses are shorter than traditional courses and therefore require less land. In addition, they do not require the maintenance, watering or mowing that a regular course requires. In fact, disc golf courses are often placed in underused parts of local, regional or state parks. There are now almost 3000 places in America to play.
One of the main benefits of disc golf is that there is a very low financial commitment to beginning. Sure, many people spend money on fancy golf bags, high-end plastic and other perks, but you can get started with just a few items and a bag or backpack to carry them in.
That's about all I will write on this subject today, but look for more posts here about disc golfing. I'll be discussing disc golf courses, equipment and technique in more detail soon.
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Golf Trolley Guide
By using an energy saving device such as a golf trolley, the golfer's game can only benefit, especially when playing the 18 hole courses. The stress and strain suffered when manually hauling a golf bag around is taken up by the golf trolley.
No longer the domain of the more mature golfer
The trolley used to be the domain of the more mature golfer, but these days many ages, realising the benefits of using such a device, can be seen making good use of them.
Three flavours to choose from
There are three means of eliminating the need to carry golf bags, a manual trolley, an electric trolley, and an electric cart. The electric trolley is the same as the manual trolley, in that the golfer still walks the course. The cart allows the golfer to sit in it, and drive around the course.
Manual golf trolley
These trolleys can be either pulled or pushed. The pull trolleys have 2 wheels, and the push trolleys have 3 wheels. The push trolleys are more stable than the pull trolleys and can also be pulled. Most 2 wheeled trolleys use solid rubber wheels, which have a tendency to damage the ground of the golf course, whereas most 3 wheeled trolleys use air filled tires which are golf course friendly.
The trolleys are collapsible so that they can be stored away, thus allowing for easy transportation to and from the golf courses.
It is always a good idea to make sure the trolley is of a robust and lightweight construction, thus making them easy to transport around. Considering this the ideal material for a trolley is titanium, as this is a very lightweight and exceptionally strong metal.
Electric golf trolley
Most of these trolleys are 3 wheeled and are powered by an on board battery, leaving the golfer only needing to guide the trolley along its path. There is also a cart version, where the golfer sits in and drives it along the golf course. These carts are not allowed on all golf courses, and those courses that do allow them, usually have them for hire. Very few golfers own their own cart.
The electric golf trolley, on the other hand, is becoming very popular, being seen more often than not these days, as golfers realise the benefits they contribute to the golfer's extended play, that of minimising the stress and strain when having to carry a bag full of clubs and other golf equipment over a golf course.
The trolley's power source, that being the on board battery can have differing lifespans between the varieties in use, therefore it is important that one is used that will last the length of a course and some, otherwise what was once a self propelled trolley with have to be manually taken around the remainder of the course.
Titanium, Aluminium/Aluminum, or Steel
There are 3 materials trolleys can be constructed out of; titanium, aluminium, or steel. Steel is the heaviest of the three, but leads to a very robust structure. Also, trolleys made from steel are a lot cheaper than titanium constructed ones. Aluminium is very light, but no where near as robust as trolleys made from steel. Combining the robust construction afforded by steel, with the lightweight benefit of aluminium, we have titanium. The only downside of titanium is that trolleys made from it are a lot more expensive than their steel or aluminium cousins.
For a golfer who no longer wishes to lug their golf bag over an entire golf course, there are three alternatives, the manual golf trolley (pull or push), electric golf trolley, or electric golf cart. Not all golf courses allow golf carts, so the next best thing is the electric version of the manual trolley. Two or three wheel versions are available, but the three wheel trolleys not only allow for easier control of the trolley, but are also better for the ground of the golf course, as they use air filled tires which cause a lot less damage to the ground than the solid tires predominately used by two wheeled trolleys. For the golfer with the means, they should acquire trolleys made from titanium as these are both robust and lightweight.
Charles Edwards is a keen golfer and sportsman and provider of information on many aspects of the golf. He has created the following website which will contain golfing information, and links to other related sites on many aspects of golf:
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Monday, 30 November 2009
How to Purchase Golf Clubs
First you need to find a local golf shop where you can test the clubs that you are interested in buying. You may eventually decide to purchase online or at a discounter but trying them out is important. You want to see which ones feel right for you and there is no better way to do this then go to a golf store with a hitting facility.
Next you should never let a salesman over sell you. There are so many great clubs and drivers that you do not need to buy the most expensive thing they have. In many cases the salesperson is trying to meet a goal or quota with a certain brand and does not have your best interest in mind.
If you are tight on a budget then you may want to consider buying second hand clubs. Remember that clubs are sturdy and they last a long time so buying in the secondary market can be a great way for you to save money. In many cases you can find a high end set that is one or two years old that will be great for your needs.
Remember that whether you decide to buy new or used you want to get a feel for the different brand names that are out there before making a purchase. Try not to over buy because the club is not going to make you a great golfer, you can only do that.
Get Free: Puchase Golf Clubs
How to: Find a Deal
Bryan Burbank is an expert in the field of Golf and Sports
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Learn Some Golf Grip Tips
If you have ever played golf you should know that the game takes a great amount of patience and practice. Golf can be a very relieving game that many people tend to enjoy.
Here are five reasons why hand positions and gripping the club properly are very important:
1. The grip is undoubtedly the most ignored, yet the most important golf equipment.
2. The first fundamental that should be taught is how to grip the golf club because it is by far the most important technique to learn before learning anything else.
3. The proper grip of the club influences the perfect swing.
4. Reduces the slice of the ball.
5. Placing your hands properly on the golf club gives you better control and position of the club face.
Now that you know the five reasons why hand positioning is very important, let's get into the proper golf grip tips:
· Grip the top of your golf club with your right hand. Make sure to let your left hand hang from the shoulder. This will help in trying to hold your club in an all natural way. You want to line your hand in towards the center of your body so the ball doesn't slice in the opposite direction.
· One of the most common errors that are made is when a golfer has a weak lead hand that is too much in the palm of their hand. If you grip the club properly it will reduce your tendency to produce a shot that slices and lacks in power.
· Make sure to grip your club not to loose, but not too tight. Hold your club like you would hold a soda can. Holding the club to tight can throw off your swing tremendously. Holding it to loose can prevent you from hitting the ball far. It can also lead to slicing the ball and losing your club.
· The fingers are the most sensitive part of our hand. In golf our fingers are very important. Placing the club more on the fingers rather than on the palm increases your wrist hinge, which results in longer tee shots and a better feel for the club.
Remember to keep your fingers gripped nice and tightly. For practice take a few swings at home to make sure you are comfortable and familiar with your hand positioning.
These tips could greatly improve your game if you follow them closely. These tips have helped many pro golf players become who they are today. By following these easy tips you could improve your golf game tremendously and see the results right away.
Don't make the mistake of many natural left handed golfers by trying to learn the right handed golf swing. This will lead to frustration and confusion. With the help of an experienced left handed instructor, your left handed golf swing will become comfortable with a little practice and effort.
You can learn more golf tips and info at
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Saturday, 28 November 2009
Choosing the Correct Golf Equipment As a Woman
There are many differences between men's and women's clubs, which we will discuss later. Because of this, it is better to use women's clubs even when just starting out. Before purchasing a set, why not try to borrow women's clubs from a fellow female golfer. If that isn't an option, some places will allow you to rent clubs for a nominal fee. If you absolutely must buy, purchase a 6 or 7 irons or irons to start out with. You can even buy these used. The idea is just to get a feel for the game. Once you have determined whether you will be serious in your pursuit of the sport, then you can make the decision to spend a chunk of change on your clubs.
There are three aspects of the golf club that are important to your swing, and will differ between a men's or women's club. These characteristics are the swing weight, the shaft flex and grip size. The swing weight refers to how heavy the club feels in your hands when it is swung. Generally, women's club range between C0 and C8, while men's are considerably heavier. If you use a mans club, you may notice that you don't have sufficient control over your swing. As the main goal of golf is to be able to control the clubhead, this will lead to problems.
The shaft flex refers to how flexible the shaft of the golf club is. The more flexible, such as in the L style, the more speed you can gain with the clubhead. Therefore, your ball will ultimately travel farther. Some less athletic men even find using the women's clubs to be beneficial to their game.
Lastly, the grip size should be taken into consideration. Women generally have smaller hands, therefore they need clubs with a smaller grip. This just further improves the control that the golfer has over the golf club and thus over the golf swing.
Using the correct equipment will ensure that you play to the best of your ability. By all means, try out the sport before diving into it, just make sure you use the right clubs to get the proper feel for the game.
Sydney Garrison is an avid cyclist and sports enthusiast. She is also a partner in an online bike rack store.
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Golf Instruction Tips - The Benefits of Golf Swing Software and Training Equipment
The increasing use of advanced technology means that the role of golf tips has lessened considerably... because now with golf swing trainers, dvd box sets and golf swing software which allows your teaching pro to analyse and critique your swing and look at it in the whole.
Golf instruction tips in this environment have a limited role... somewhat akin to putting on sticking plaster when you are suffering from pneumonia.
There is no doubt that some tips will help you improve your swing and scores in the short term. But there is a certain placebo effect at work here..and if your swing is fundamentally unsound then a more thorough overall approach will reap rewards in the long run.
Tips that you may receive from your friends or teaching pro will assist you practically immediately, but if your overall swing is fundamentally flawed through poor fundamentals such as grip, set up or posture, then your original problem will occur again.
It is for this reason that I would strongly advise that you make the most of the advances in technology such as the use of golf software, high speed photography and golf dvd to improve your swing.
Golf instruction tips can be valuable to your game, don't get me wrong, but if they do not form part of a more systematic approach to improving your overall swing then they will be of limited use in the long term.
You can learn more about golf swing trainers, golf training equipment and the full benefits of modern technology at my blog..
Discover more golf instruction tips and all the latest golf swing software, golf dvd, golf swing training equipment and golf clubs etc. at my blog.
Download your FREE, no obligation golf book "The Ultimate Guide to Golf" now at
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Monday, 23 November 2009
Custom Golf Clubs Online
If you are one of those golf enthusiasts willing to shell out extra cash so that you can have a superior quality product, there are lots of shops online that offer more expensive clubs. There are brands such as Nike and Mizuno that have already built a reputation in the field of golf and offer fine products to those who are passionate about golfing. However, if you want to go for quality that doesn't necessarily mean that you have to choose only the famous brands as there are some not-so-popular manufacturers that sell good quality golf equipment. For those who want to have golf clubs that are made to suit their unique physical characteristics and their game, there are lots of club makers that offer custom golf clubs online, wherein you can have a custom fitting from a professional in a few, simple steps.
When you scour the shops online for golf equipment, it's important to remember that you shouldn't spend all of your money on a single shop. Learn to do some sort of a market research first - check out and compare all the deals offered on the virtual golf market. Make your purchase only after seeing a couple of shops that have good deals at reasonable prices.
If you love golf but have a limited budget, you have to do some research so that you will know what the best equipment is, where to go to find a qualified club fitter, and where to get the best bargains on some of the best custom golf clubs online.
Steven J Morrison loves golf and shares that love with many around him. For more information about custom golf clubs, free golf instruction, and how to find affordable custom golf clubs online, please visit me at my website Click here.
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Why Golf Bags Could Be the Ideal Gift For Your Dad This Christmas
Firstly, you'll need to work out what sort of golf bag your dad might like. There are hundreds of designs out there and plenty to choose from. They usually have various compartments, a few for the clubs and then a few handy pockets for things like balls and tees. Just be sure to get a good quality bag otherwise things may fall out of it on the course, and that's never good.
When you decide to go shopping, make sure that you set yourself a budget. Golfing equipment like golf bags can be very expensive and if you're not careful, it's very easy to overspend. Be sure to consider all your options - there are other things besides golf bags available you know!
Take your time when you're looking around because although you may see something you like, you shouldn't buy it straight away just in case you find something elsewhere that's better. Look at everything on today's market before you make a decision about what you're going to buy.
One of the biggest reasons to choose golf bags for your dad this year is that he'll certainly get a lot of use out of it if he loves golf. Most people who have a hobby that they're passionate about, will take time out of their working week in order to play so it's a great idea to get him something he'll use on a regular basis.
Most of the time, finding what you need is easy but it's always a good idea to take your time so that you don't end up buying something that's poor quality. Most importantly, ensure that your dad actually plays golf; after all, what's the use in golf bags if you don't play golf?
Author Demi L Allan talks about why choosing golf bags for your dad this Christmas could be a great idea. has a huge range of options and information available, you should easily find what you're looking for.
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Things You Should Know About Proper Golf Swing
It is only the instructor who can watch you carefully and point out the mistakes. You may have all the essential stuff like computer training aides or watch videos of legends like David Leadbetter, but you will still need the help of a professional trainer for a proper golf swing. He will guide you about the tiny details like having the right golf equipment. You can ask your trainer if you are using the right clubs. The clubs should be proportionate with your weight, and height. Moreover if the clubs do not have the right length, you cannot have the right swing.
After you have bought the equipments, you can consult the professional club repairers or manufacturers to know if the club heads are positioned at the correct angles. If you want, you can also replace the old grips with new ones so that they are comfortable to use. Before you go to buy the new grips, you must check the thickness of the grips and see if they fit in your hands. Now that you have the right equipments and the guidance of a professional, you can have the perfect swing and the perfect score.
Are you looking for more information on the secrets to a proper golf swing? Visit today!
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Sunday, 22 November 2009
What to Look When Purchasing a Golf Bag?
Selecting a perfect Bag type:
There is a big variety of golf bags that you would literally take many hours in a golf equipment store making the right decision about bag type that is best in keeping your golf clubs and also match your style and personality. There are few matters you must consider while buying bag.
First of all, organization is the key to successful golfing, and it becomes more important for the individual going to compete in a mega event. Organization is also needed to keep yourself mindful of extra balls (you might be carrying with you), extra golf tees, and even the divot tool. As you already knew about it and I also reemphasized the significance of organization that it is something that you need to consider, accordingly there are various types of golf bags that come with assorted compartments and sacks to keep items and equipment.
Second thing to look at is what kind of club storage you have need of. Have in view how many clubs you have, and what you usually like to carry during play. Carefully think what clubs you intend to add in future, and pick a bag that can offer enough space for this expansion as well. Your purchase should accommodate all the unique specifications of your golf clubs.
Selecting a perfect Bag Size:
The golf bag should be of proper height so that it can cover all your clubs securely as this investment is only meant to secure other investments; there should be no chance they may slide out or get damaged. The expansion at the upside of your golf bag should also provide much space to fit oversized club heads or grips. If you own an expensive set of golf clubs, prefer that with full length club divider pockets. Despite these individual dividers nicely organize and protect clubs but they also toll some extra bucks adding greatly to their weight and pricing.
There are many choices for you to pick from, and a very large variety has been made for the increasing number of golfers directing their likings. Although I recommend TaylorMade bags, Callaway bags, Ping golf bags and Titleist golf bags. There are lots of others I could mention more in here that are just as reputable, durable and affordable. Prefer which matches your personality.
Check out more about Golf, please visit my websites cleveland launcher iron set and OGIO DIVA STAND BAG.
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Golf - Buying Affordable Equipment
There are hundreds of other brands out there which you can start off with which will not cost you a fortune and still improve your game just as quickly.
I know that if one looks the part then there is a certain confidence factor which is derived from this aspect of the game, but there is one vital factor missing here, and that is ability.
It will not make a whit of difference what gear you have or how you look if you cannot hit the ball off the tee box. So for golf beginners it would be more beneficial to buy clubs that were well made, but not necessarily top brands, and go spend the money saved on professional lessons. Then when enough progress is made, when ones handicap is at a respectable level, then it would be time to consider upgrading your equipment.
The perception of most beginners is that golfers who have all the expensive gear are great golfers. Well let me tell you, there are thousands of golfers playing with the best of equipment and are still on high handicaps, and the reason for this is because of their ability level. They go out and spend money on the best, rain gear, shoes, range finders, tees, golf clubs, golf bags, and they look fantastic, but they ignore vital aspects of the game, such as learning set up routines, drill practice, professional lessons, the list goes on and on, but they certainly look like golfers when they arrive on the tee box, then they begin their set up and straight away it is obvious that it is all for show.
They are all over the place with their driving, their fairway shots are landing everywhere except towards the green and their whole game falls into the mediocre class. If you are intent on spending small fortunes on your golf equipment, Then I will leave you with these final words, please make sure you can play well enough to warrant the expenditure.
For more information on this subject, please click below now.
Golf can be a very frustrating game at the best of times, especially if you are just beginning or moving up the ladder to becoming a decent amateur, everyone no matter what level they are at needs a little help from time to time.It is essential to have the right equipment.
You can get that help by clicking below now.
Online Golf Shopping
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Taylor Made Golf Equipment - Built to Win
What actually makes golf equipment superior to the products of other companies? It is superior because the company has a team dedicated to research, technology, quality and craftsmanship than that of the other golf equipment producing companies. Since golf is a challenging game, most golfers deserve clubs and other equipment that can help them to win the game. This is true in respect of all the Taylor equipment, whether it is the drivers, irons, putters or woods, whatever may be your want, and Taylor Made has it.
Today most stores selling equipment have a wide range of Taylor equipment ranging from clubs and golf sets, balls, Taylor R9, Burner Driver, Taylor Bag Accessories, Taylor Carts and Accessories, Taylor Club Accessories, Taylor Golf Bags, Taylor Gloves and Taylor hats. If you are playing the game of golf and winning the game is your ultimate goal, then the right equipment will play an important role in it. Taylor Made Drivers, Irons and Fairway Woods will surely help you to dominate the course. The Taylor Made irons are classic in design and are made with the most modern technology. All the Taylor Made golf equipment has been made to deliver consistency and performance during the game of golf. If you are looking for golf equipment then check out for Taylor Made balls, clubs, golf bags and other equipment that will meet your requirements and improve your game and shot.
The team work and the drive motivated to create and design the very best equipment, has made Taylor Made products the most sought after golf products in the world. This gives us an idea of the company's competitive spirit and desire for all round authenticity and innovation. If you are a novice and have just started to lean the skills required to play a game of golf, you will need the right tools for perfecting your game in addition to motivation, judgment and drive. This is where the importance of Taylor equipment comes in as a handy tool because all their golf equipment performs exceptionally well and can also effectively withstand the test of time. No matter what your requirements are, Taylor equipments have all of it, right from the clubs to the accessories that you need to push your game forward.
Get detailed information related to golf equipment and other golf products.
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Friday, 20 November 2009
How to Hit a Golf Ball Straight - 4 Tips to Laser Point Accuracy
1. The first thing that you need to do is make sure that you are aligned properly to your target line. A lot of bad golf shots are the result of faulty alignment, and if you fix this you can really start to hit more accurate golf shots. The key is to make sure that your hips, shoulders, and club face are all aligned with your target. The way to ensure happens correctly is to put one club down right in front of your feet, and another club down parallel to the first club, but closer to the golf ball. This will help you check your body and club face, to make sure everything is in alignment.
2. The next thing that you must do is establish a good takeaway. The takeaway is one of the most important aspects of the golf swing, but is often overlooked. Bringing the club to far to the inside will cost you accuracy and distance, and will keep you from learning how to hit a golf ball straight. So make sure that you relax your hands, arms, and shoulders, and start your takeaway by moving your hands, arms, and shoulders back in a one piece motion.
3. The third thing that you must do is have a good transition into the ball. A lot of golfers get to the top of the golf swing, and when they start the downswing they rush things. This will lead to a lot of inconsistent shots, because you are altering the tempo of the swing, as well as the face angle of the club. Altering the face angle means the club will come into the ball too far open or shut, causing wild shots that go all over the place.
4. The fourth thing you must do to learn how to hit a golf ball straight is to make sure that you square the club face at impact. This is something that you are going to have to experiment with, because for some this is an unconscious thought, while for others it is something they must be aware of. They key is to square the club face will "soft hands" because tension or a tight grip will kill your golf swing.
These four tips should help you learn how to hit a golf ball straight. Remember that in order to have a successful golf swing, you must keep things simple. The method that I learned keeps things really simple, which is why I love it so much, and you should try it!
Do you want to learn exactly how to hit a golf ball straight, and lower your scores by 7 shots in just 2 weeks? If so all you have to do is Click Here!
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