Monday, 16 November 2009

Free Golf Lesson On How To Choose The Best Golf Equipment

In playing golf, how do you decide which golf equipment suits you the best? Which type of equipment should you invest your money in? Choosing the wrong equipment could easily affect your golf game. Avoid this at all costs.

To let you make informed decisions, read the following guidelines and keep them in mind when you are shopping for your first golf equipment, be it golf balls, golf shoes or golf clubs.

Do Not Be Afraid To Ask Questions

The first thing that you should do is to ask around. You could ask your relatives or friends, colleagues or even your neighbours. Make sure that they do play golf. You never know but they might be into golf too. Ask them their opinions and get their recommendations on what types of equipment are worth buying and what to avoid.

Another option is for you to just walk into any store and get their advice. These shop assistants would be more than willing to share their opinions and ideas for new golfers like you. After all, they work on commisions aren't they? Not only is this an efficient way to get information, it is also practical, as you're already in a golf store and they can easily give you recommendations.

Set Your Goals For Playing Golf

In playing golf, you must remember to know what exactly your goals are. Remember to be realistic and pay attention to what you need rather than what you want. If you can identify your goals before you go shopping, it will save you lots of time and money. By identifying your goals, you would be able to select the types of equipment that you would really need. You would also be able to choose a new set of clubs in a practical manner, rather than spending too much time and money on choosing golfing equipment that you do not necessarily need.

Think also, of the reason you chose golf in the first place. Why not any other sport? Is it because you would like to join your business partners for a four-times-a-year game? Or is it because you really enjoy golf and would spend all your available hours devoting yourself to it? Once you get your priorities straight, you will find that choosing the golf equipment that suits you best is relatively easy.

Be Honest About Your Level Of Interest And Dedication In Playing Golf

Be true to yourself. How dedicated are you to playing golf? Now that you have decided to spend on golf equipment, be honest about the time and effort that you are willing to put into the game. Do you plan on playing often? How often do you want to practise in a week? Will there be lessons involved? If you are not sure about your plans then it is advisable for you to buy less costly golf clubs. However, if you just can't wait to get into the game and are willing to spend hours perfecting your game, then you should probably think of investing in a more expensive set of clubs.

Should You Go For Second-hand Or Brand New Golf Equipment?

Again, you have to think about your goals and expectations. If you are in the habit of taking up a hobby and then forgetting it after a month or two, then it is better for you to buy used golf equipment. They are cheaper and yet just as effective as new clubs. Should you suddenly decide that you have fallen in love with the game and would like to dedicate your time and effort into it, then go ahead, invest in a brand new set of golf equipment. And, should you decide otherwise, you can always give the used set away or sell it to other new golfers.

Familiarise Yourself With Golf Shaft Options

To all new golfers, it is wise to pay attention to the golf shaft that you are using. The composition of the golf shaft would depend on whether it is graphite or steel. The flex of the shaft reveals how much the shaft bends when the club is swung.

Graphite is a lot lighter compared to steel. It creates a quicker swing speed. On the other hand, steel is more hard-wearing and tough. It is also a lot cheaper compared to graphite.

As graphite is lighter and easier to swing, it is the perfect choice for women and senior citizens. Meanwhile, younger and stronger men tend to opt for the regular and stiff shafts.

Decide Which Golf Club Is The Best For You

A perfect golf swing is invaluable. Golfers who are just now beginning to learn the ways to play need to choose golf clubs that are specifically catered to those with a higher handicap. The best choice would be the irons that weighed in perimeter and backed by cavity. Also, try looking at those hybrid sets. These have long irons (around 4- or 3- or 5-) and are at times substituted by utility clubs.

Remember; think of your goals, your expectations and your needs. That way you can pick the golf equipment that is the best for you.

Juzaily Ramli and his friend Tommy Lehmann are golf enthusiasts and proud owners of the following golf websites:

Free Golf Tips
Golf Accessories
Free Golf Lesson Online
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