Monday, 9 November 2009

How Senior Golf Equipment Will Keep You Playing Great At Any Age

Who wants to hear that word of golf reality - senior golf equipment? Most of us don’t want to face the fact that we are or will be eventually getting older. As life takes us through the path of wonder, we as golfers will all have to move into what is sometimes known as the golden years. That’s life, don’t fight it enjoy it with the proper golf equipment designed for seniors.

The nice thing about golf is the manufactures are on your side and want to help you maximize your game. A lot of the bigger manufacturers are starting to construct (if they don’t have already) clubs and equipment strictly for the older generation.

The other nice thing is that senior golf is becoming hugely popular partially due to the Champions Tour. All the great players form the past and today that are competing on a regular basis for some big dollars on T.V. If you haven’t seen them tube or live in your area you should watch. These guys play some great golf along with being some of the best characters personality wise you’ll find anywhere. It’s very entertaining to watch.

How does that help with golf equipment you ask? Very simply, the players are promoting more equipment to make the game easier for seniors. This forces the manufacturers to step up their game and make some high quality gear they can use to score low that works just as well if not better with their aging bodies. Because of this the demand for this type of equipment is huge.

You may also be wondering what exactly constitutes a senior golfer. In the outside world a becoming a senior starts usually when you’re 65. Not in golf, they jumped the gun and started classifying seniors starting at 50 to play on the senior tours. Some players may not want to be considered a senior that early. But it can only help you as the equipment will become easier to use. Heck some don’t even wait until 50 if the senior golf equipment will help their game sooner.

You can get all sorts of equipment for the senior level. There’s drivers, iron set, putters, fairway woods, balls, bags, shoes, and the most popular hybrid clubs all designed for the older generation. All this type of equipment can be custom fit for you just like the regular equipment. There are a number of different things done to the senior line of equipment to help you keep up and even hit it better and further than the young guns.

The bottom line here is, don’t be afraid of getting older on the golf course. If you embrace it as it comes and get the senior golf equipment that fits your game those glory years can end up being some of the best ones of your golfing career. Go out and get yourself some senior golf equipment today.

Article courtesy of, where you get the answers you need about golf equipment, apparel, tips and more. Check out senior golf equipment…for more on this and other great golf equipment ideas.

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